What Are Some of the Benefits of Healthy Weight Loss?
Weight loss is the act of losing weight through a change of eating lifestyle and/or exercise. Davis (2021) informed the medical definition of this as “a decrease in body weight resulting from either voluntary (diet, exercise) or involuntary (illness) circumstances. Most instances of weight loss arise due to the loss of body fat, but in cases of extreme or severe weight loss, protein and other substances in the body can also be depleted. Examples of involuntary weight loss include the weight loss associated with cancer, malabsorption (such as from chronic diarrheal illnesses), and chronic inflammation (such as with rheumatoid arthritis).” With that definition, there is also an implication that unhealthy voluntary weight loss may occur if an individual does not have proper knowledge of the right quality and quantity of calorific needs. When the objective is to lose weight quickly, what commonly occurs is that the individual follows a fad diet or commits to a crash diet. A fad diet is described as “plans sold as the best and fastest approach to losing weight” while a crash diet is defined as “a way of losing a lot of weight very quickly by limiting how much one eats.” Both of which are unhealthy methods of losing weight. Given that this often happens when an individual aim to lose weight, it is better to research necessary facts or consult a nutritionist if possible. Center for Disease Control and Prevention (2020) also asserted that “healthy weight loss isn’t just about a “diet” or “program”. It’s about an ongoing lifestyle that includes long-term changes in daily eating and exercise habits.” In essence, a healthy weight loss should be gradual and sustainable for long-term management.
In order to achieve a lifestyle that adheres to a healthy weight loss, healthy eating should be the focal point. Nutrient-dense foods from all major food groups-lean proteins, whole grains, healthful fats, and fruits and vegetables are generally included in a healthful diet ( Medical News Today, 2020). With the lack of these, the body may suffer from nutritional deficiencies that may only appear later on. It is important to keep in mind that when planning to lose weight, nutrition is the key. Thus, a healthy weight loss mainly produces the following:
Better mood and sleep
A healthy diet can boost a person’s mood. If one consumes unhealthy food such as eating processed meat, chips, soft drinks, and etc., it is likely that he or she would feel lethargic as compared to eating nutritious food. According to Medical News Today (2020) “A diet with a high glycemic load includes many refined carbohydrates, such as those found in soft drinks, cakes, white bread, and biscuits. Vegetables, whole fruit, and whole grains have a lower glycemic load.” This substantiates the quote “You are what you eat”-if you continually follow a healthy diet, then you would also feel rejuvenated.
In addition, a healthy diet can also improve the quality of sleep. Suni (2020) maintained that “Diet and nutrition can influence the quality of your sleep, and certain foods and drinks can make it easier or harder to get the sleep that you need. At the same time, getting enough sleep is associated with maintaining healthier body weight and can be beneficial for people who are trying to lose weight.” Overall, this indicates that a nutritious diet is connected to a person’s well-being throughout the day and night.
Improved memory
A nourishing diet is connected to a person’s cognitive memory and brain health. A study (2015) on “Role of physical activity and diet on mood, behavior, and cognition” revealed that food rich in vitamin D, vitamin C, vitamin E, omega-3 fatty acids, flavonoids and polyphenols, and fish are beneficial for memory function. This further suggests that a Mediterranean diet is the most beneficial given that it incorporates these nutrients.
Prevents diseases
Having a healthy lifestyle helps in fighting off a variety of diseases such as diabetes, arthritis, high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, depression, and certain types of cancer. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2020), heart disease is the leading cause of death for adults in the United States. This places people with medical conditions (diabetes and obesity) and unhealthy lifestyle choices (unhealthy diet, physical inactivity, excessive alcohol use) at a higher risk. In addition, Life Line Screening also highlighted that “healthy diets boost “good” cholesterol (high-density lipoprotein) and decrease unhealthy triglycerides.” To accomplish this, an individual should consume nutrient-dense food so as to decrease the risk of acquiring lifelong diseases.
Promotes healthy aging
Primary Care Associates of Texas affirmed that food with high water content such as vegetables and fruits are advantageous in moisturizing the skin and maintaining hydration. They are also rich in antioxidants responsible for protecting the body against damaging skin cells. Furthermore, Health Guide (2020) suggested that “good nutrition can boost immunity, fight illness-causing toxins, keep weight in check, and reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, type-2 diabetes, bone loss, and cancer. Along with physical activity, a balanced diet can also contribute to enhanced independence as you age.” Aside from the fact that a healthy diet can promote younger-looking skin and reduce early skin aging, it will also be beneficial for overall health.
The outcomes presented are just some of the benefits that come with a healthy lifestyle. In discussing healthy weight loss, the primary concern is the general health and wellness of an individual. It aims for long-term habits that promote discipline and strength. It highlights food as the main source of good health conditions. Thus, a healthy weight loss is more than just shedding off weight but more so gaining great physical well-being.
Originally published at http://drfradinread.wordpress.com on December 7, 2021.